Monday, March 21, 2011

Time makes you bolder, even children get older

The last few weeks have been a blur. Wednesday marked the halfway point of my maternity leave, meaning the glass is now half empty. Annabel's feelings about this can best be summed up in the photo to the left. This is the ridiculous cry she does that sounds like a cartoon -- she just goes "wah!" all long and drawn out. It makes me laugh every time, which is good because I've also been doing some crying. Last week, Annabel grew out of all her newborn footie pajamas. She could no longer straighten her legs in them, and as much as I wanted to keep her in the only clothes she's ever worn, the ones she's wearing in all my memories of her, I had to wash them, fold them up in a box, and put them in the closet. And cry. She's growing up so fast. She feels heavy now, and I'm thinking forward to when she won't want me to hold her. She'll want to scoot and run around. Then she'll start telling me "no." Then she'll tell me I'm mean. Then she'll tell me I'm embarrassing her. It goes on and on. And I never thought I'd be like this. Babies grow up, they get more interesting and funny. I just didn't expect her to be such a rad baby. It's going to be hard.

Uncle Bill came to visit all the way from Denver at the end of February. He and Fox took Annabel to her first restaurant -- Sweet Melissa's in Decatur. We also took Annabel to her first movie, the very age-appropriate Black Swan. Even though we went to the art theater by our house in Midtown, we got some seriously disapproving looks from some Judgy McJudgersons. Annabel was an angel -- she spent the whole movie eating and napping under the nursing cover, not making a peep. I think she was on her best behavior to impress Uncle Bill so he'll teach her to ski when she's big enough.

We went to Tennessee the first weekend in March to visit my grandmother, Annabel's great-grandmother, who we call Goose. This was a very exciting visit for many reasons. Annabel is Goose's first great-grandchild, and Goose turns 89 this year. Also, my mom's sister Ann came to visit Goose, so she got to meet her first great-niece. And finally, Annabel executed the greatest baby photo of all time. We lined up for a very serious four generation photo, dressing Annabel in one of my baby dresses. As soon as my dad said "three" in the photo countdown, Annabel unleashed a torrent of spit-up. We had not yet realized what had transpired, so we are all smiling the very serious "this is a very important photo" smiles as the barf rains down upon Goose. I don't do it justice with words, so here it is:

Like I said, Annabel is a pretty rad baby. We laughed until we cried. After the visit to Goose's, we spent some time at my parents' house. It was great -- I was well-fed with mom's delicious home cooking, she did my laundry, and they entertained Annabel while I enjoyed luxuries such as baths. Mom got the crib that Bill and I slept in out of the attic for Annabel to play in during the day. She figured out how to make it rock and had a blast in it.

I also could not resist taking Annabel's picture on the antique doll bed that my great-grandmother had made for my mom. I know it is coming close to the heinous territory of too-cute baby photos occupied by Anne Geddes, but I think we stayed on the safe side of that thin line.

In other, nonphotographed news, Saturday before last, Fox's band played an acoustic show at the Red Light Cafe, which is one block behind our house. It was an all-ages show, so we were able to attend and sit in the back room, where we could hear the show at a reasonable level. Annabel had fun, though she did sleep through part of the show. She's probably the first person to ever sleep through one of Fox's performances, but I don't think he was offended.

On Saturday, Annabel turned two months old. To celebrate, we went to the roller derby. Atlanta has a great roller derby scene. Once a month, there are two bouts (that's what you call roller derby matches), one between two of the Atlanta Roller Derby teams and one between the Atlanta all-star team and a visiting team. This takes place, I kid you not, at the Shriner Temple that looks like the Taj Mahal. It's always a big event and sells out if you wait too long to get tickets. We only went to the first bout, which was won by the Apocalypstix by a mere ten points. We were afraid that two bouts would be pushing it for Annabel's first time. She was a total champ, giving everyone smiles. We want Annabel to see that girls can do pretty much whatever they want, be tough, fearless, and have fun (now watch her grow up to become the next Ann Coulter as the ultimate rebellion [sheds tear]). Unfortunately I forgot our camera, so I took a couple of pictures of her at the derby with my phone, but have no idea how to get them from the phone to the computer. It probably involves some type of texting, which totally eludes me. Just imagine her smiling as girls on skates go by in the background.

Here's a parting shot for you of her current activity, which affords me the ability to blog.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Major Mom Ups

Being a mom has its downs. No sleep. Forgetfulness. Poop and barf. These days I feel like I'm working with 2/3 of a brain (example: excerpt from last week's post -- "because it's because." Really? Ugh. I promise English is, in fact, my first language.). I'm going to excuse this behavior with the fact that I have not slept for more than four consecutive hours in the last six weeks. Excellent segue -- Annabel is now six weeks old. Six weeks ago right now, I was in labor and nauseated. For all these downs, the ups certainly win. Here are some of my favorite mom ups:

Really cute clothes are a major up. We love this onesie from Jenn and Jana. Also visible is an adorable pink cloth diaper from the Feases (more on these later) and some Mary Jane socks previously worn by Rachel's dear Lucy. Annabel is stoked to look so cute.

The Moby wrap is pretty boss (thanks, Lioons!). Ignore the unwashed hair and unmade bed in the background. I put Annabel in the Moby wrap today, and we walked around the park for a couple hours. Annabel went right to sleep, and I got a good workout with 8lbs. 11 ozs. of adorable strapped to me. It's like being externally pregnant.

"Mom, you aren't putting this on the internet, right?" We've been using cloth diapers for a week now. I was so excited about them during pregnancy -- I did tons of research on different kinds, the logistics of washing them, and other dos and don'ts (for example, you aren't supposed to use any diaper creams with them, as the zinc in those products will cause the diapers to repel water instead of absorb it [and by water, I mean pee]. Instead, if the little one gets a rash, you are supposed to put coconut oil on them).

I'm not going to lie -- once I took this baby home, I got really nervous about using the cloth diapers. I hated the trash they made and the weird absorby chemicals that were being strapped to my baby with each one, but they are just so dang convenient. I used up the disposable newborn diapers we were given (thanks, Steph -- they were a life-saver), and by then Annabel had a little diaper rash. Cloth is supposed to be easier on the skin than the disposables, so I held my breath, put the diapers on their smallest setting (they are all adjustable one-size diapers that will grow with her), and jumped in. It has been tons easier than I imagined and the diaper rash disappeared immediately. The cloth diapers successfully contain even the biggest poopsplosians and peepocolypses without leaks (which the disposables didn't always do), and they wash out clean. I have to wash a load every third day. Honestly, baby poop isn't that gross -- it is just a mild yellow semi-liquid that smells vaguely of yogurt (my apologies to anyone who may be eating yogurt while reading this). I've heard this changes once the baby starts eating solids, so I don't have to worry about it for four and half months. Thus, we will ignore the fact of impending stinkies for the time being.

We've been using BumGenius 4.0s, Flips, and Charlie Banana one size diapers, for anyone interested. I give a thumbs up to all three. The BumGenius and Charlie Banana diapers are pocket diapers, which means there is a pocket inside the diaper where a microfiber insert is stuffed to absorb and wick moisture away from the baby. The Flips are a cover in which an insert is laid with a soft side against the skin and microfiber on the other side of the insert. We are also doing some prefolds with a Thirsties Duo cover. These are good too, but the ease factor goes to the aforementioned diapers. The best feature of the Flips and the Thirsties is that the cover can be reused between washes with a fresh insert. Send me an email if you want to talk more about cloth diapers. I can nerd out about them pretty hard. Big thanks to my friend Sara Z. for answering my questions and encouraging me and to the Feases and Emily B. for their support in the form of diapers.

Finally, the biggest up of all. This face.

She's six weeks old and super!