Monday, February 21, 2011

The Cutest Excuse

I have been a bad blogger. However, I get a pass because it's because I've been a good mother (I think/hope). I knew motherhood would be demanding, but I didn't realize that Annabel would want to be held all the time. Now, I'm more than happy to indulge the little snuggler, but it has led to great neglect in all other aspects of my life.

The most important thing to me is for Annabel to feel safe and secure in this big, terrifying world so she can develop her own independence. This is going to require plenty of comfort from mom. When you think about it, being born must be absolutely the scariest thing of all time from the baby's perspective. I mean, you read my account of it, which many of you have told me was superscary, and I knew what was going on (for the most part). I can't even imagine going through that from the baby's end with no clue as to what's happening. One minute you are in a warm, dark, snug place and the next minute, there's yelling, bright lights, and vastness. It's probably for the best that no one remembers their birth or the months during which you try to cope with the world outside the womb.

Today was the first day we ventured into the real world since Annabel is now a month old and finally has some semblance of an immune system. Now that we have groceries and some needed Babies R' Us items, we can get ourselves in order. I'm even wearing actual clothes these days instead of pajamas (though I do continue to spend a hefty amount of time in pajamas).

Above: Two weeks old with the special blanket from our dear friend Jeanette.

Below: Valentine's Day -- our first stroll to the park

Making her W face (political humor alert)

One month old -- snuggling with Pops

At her first band practice. Don't worry-- it was acoustic and she only visited (Come see Bellwether Station's acoustic show March 12 at Red Light Cafe!!)