The first weekend in November we went to the Cabbagetown Chomp and Stomp. In a town of great festivals, it's our favorite. What's the Chomp and Stomp, you ask? Really the question should be, "What isn't the Chomp and Stomp?" It's a chili cook-off, bluegrass festival, 5k run, block party of awesomeness. There are no pictures. Sorry. What happens at Chomp and Stomp stays at Chomp and Stomp (really I just forgot to take pictures).

What else? We rode the Pink Pig the weekend before Thanksgiving. I was so excited to finally be able to do this! It would be a little weird to ride the Pink Pig without a kid. What is the Pink Pig, you ask? What's with all the questions? Don't you know anything about Atlanta? Priscilla the Pink Pig is a ride that was at Rich's department store in the 50's. Macy's bought Rich's, so now the Pink Pig is at Macy's every holiday season (on top of the parking garage, but still... we'll take our fun kid traditions where we can get them). Here, read Wikipedia, and enjoy our photos:
In Fox's neck of the woods, we headed to Paris and saw Annabel's first ever Santa. She wasn't scared (though I think she knows a fake beard when she sees one).
Santa also had a pretty sweet petting zoo and train ride. All in all, it was a really nice trip.
So that catches us up through November. Annabel is growing up way too fast. Do you like how I snuck some baby Annabel pictures in this post? Yeah, I'm totally in denial that she's almost one. Not because she doesn't become more fun with each passing day, because she really does. But those true baby days are gone forever, and I haven't come to terms with it yet. Nothing prepares you for how fleeting those moments truly are.
I'll be back soon with December, which brought us Annabel's first visit with a real-beard Santa, Fox's 11th marathon and Annabel's first glimpse of the Atlantic Ocean, and of course, Fox's birthday, also known as Christmas.